Malaysian woman dentist started her career in dentistry when it was largely male dominated but proved her worth and won the recent Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh’s Faculty of Dental Surgery International Medal 2022.
Through her devotion to her staff and patients at Twelve Oaks Dental Clinic and her dedication to coordinating Spivey Hill Challenge since 2015, Dr. Jamie Epperson has made a community impact that will remain untarnished. Epperson passed away Friday, July 14 in Wichita Falls after a long struggle with cancer. She was born in Amarillo in November 1968 and graduated Salutatorian from Lamesa High School. She made the decision to become a dentist in high school after working for one in her hometown.
REDMOND, Wash., July 19, 2023 Perimetrics, Inc., an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) dental diagnostics company, today announced the creation of its Clinical Advisory Board consisting of industry leaders in general dentistry, endodontics, periodontics and prosthodontics, including experts from Tufts University and University of Connecticut Health Sciences as well as those in private practice. Comprised of eight founding members, the Perimetrics Clinical Advisory Board will provide strategi
Sharing a bar of soap with your family is generally safe, although it can harbor germs. While soap doesn t typically transmit diseases, studies have shown that certain infections like MRSA can spread through shared soap. If concerned, opt for liquid soap or a zero-touch dispenser. Rinse and dry the bar properly.