Correction: The ice cream social event listed in last week's Happenings as occurring on July 16 at St. Henry's Catholic Church actually took place on June 16. There is no ice cream social at St. Henry's this week, though there will be one at Calvary Lutheran Church on Thursday.
Marion F. Stoll
Marion Frances Palmer (88) passed away peacefully on March 31, 2021. Marion was born the fifth child of six children on March 18, 1933 to Fred and Frances (Ulschmid) Palmer of rural Frazee. She was delivered by a midwife at the home farm in Evergreen Township in Becker County. Marion was baptized August 4, 1933 at Sacred Heart Church, Frazee, and confirmed May 8, 1953 at Holy Rosary Church in Detroit Lakes.
She attended School District #532 in Evergreen Township where many times their Dad would take them the 1.5 miles with a team of horses and sled to the one room schoolhouse. Many memories were made visiting the grandparents, uncles, and aunts who lived close by. They enjoyed the winter sled rides behind Uncle Vernon Daggett’s car and the many spills that went with the fun. She remembered the visits from the ‘far away’ cousins, the Kittlesens and Symons. Marion graduated in 1951 from Frazee High School and worked four years at North West Bell Telephone C