A debate is raging at Goldsmiths, University of London after the President of the Student Union tweeted that David Hirsh – a senior lecturer in Sociology at Goldsmiths, a Jew, a lifelong anti-racis.
commands an arsenal of nearly 7,000 nuclear weapons. steve, will anything happen as a result of the comments from the president today in your view? of course, racial division in this country will worsen. and he gave moral sucker to neo-nazi and to white supremacists and he breathed life into their movement at a level that it s impossible to conceive of that this is the president of the united states, unwilling, unable, morally obtuse enough not to understand his obligation to con dep naziism. as a matter of fact the torch lit rally that reminded me of the sa marching in the 1930s denouncing jews, this was not a quiet rally filled with good people. this was a rally of neo-nazis. these are people who venerate the most evil regime in all of
and finally the reminder, he commands an arsenal of nearly 7,000 nuclear weapons. steve, will anything happen as a result of the comments from the president today in your view? of course racial division in this country will worsen. and he gave moral sucker to neo-nazi and white supremacies and he breathed life into their movement at a level that it s impossible to conceive of that this is the president of the united states unwilling, unable, morally obtuse enough not to understand his obligation to condemn naziism. as a matter of fact the torch-literally that reminded me of the s.a. march in the 1930s denouncing jews, this was not a quiet rally filled with good people. this was a rally of neo-nazis. these are people who venerate the most evil regime in all of human history, its most evil leader. a regime that let loose a level
of the s.a. march in the 1930s denouncing jews, this was not a quiet rally filled with good people. this was a rally of neo-nazis. these are people who venerate the most evil regime in all of human history, its most evil leader. a regime that let loose a level of human misery and suffering unprecedented in the history of the world. the systematic extermination and murder of the european jews. millions and millions of other people. this requires don dem nation. and now this is a profound moral test for elected leaders of the republican party. they must not just denounce the white supremacy and the neo-nazis and the ku klux klan but they must denounce by name the president of the united states for his abject moral failure in not condemning this,