mom. pause before you play. bill: we ll tell you all about this come fly with me let s fly let s fly away. bill: also tonight, dennis miller on airport security and glenn beck is selling some of his stuff. why? this is a very large eagle. i don t know why i have it. bill: cautions, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. bill: hi, i m bill o reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the presidential race of 2012 new polling. that is the subject of this evening s talking points memo. already the gallup people are looking ahead and recently did a poll about which republicans are positioned to run against president obama. the top four are mitt romney 19% of republicans and independents believe he is the best choice. sarah palin, mike huckabee are tied at second 16%.
clinton, because i think she is the only democrat that could challenge him, just like ted kennedy challenged jimmy carter, it s the same thing. hillary could raise the money. moderate democrats would listen to her. okay? the odds of hillary clinton resigning as secretary of state and running against barack obama are, what? one in three. bill: that s not too bad. so you think she is keeping an eye on it? yeah. there was a reason she spent election night in cambodia. [ laughter ] if you look at a globe exact opposite of where washington is you have to tunnel through to get there. bill: maybe campaigning. cam body i can t. i didn t know she was in cam body i can t. yeah. bill: do you like follow her around. know stay here. she goes to cambodia. bill: dick morris, everybody. there he is next on the rundown, nancy pelosi rules, still but why? we will have some analysis on that. later, beck will be here. is he selling off some of his personal stuff. also, miller will appear
about the situation. what does it mean that he is going to have lots of sex but is he going to be safe. is he going to use condoms. that means is he going to be susceptible to std s less likely to be committed in a marital relationship and eventually enjoy the full beauty of family and children. bill: you need to give him a call be, sandy and tell him. i will. maybe an appearance on the jerusalemy. bill: we appreciate it ms. rios. when we come right back, it will be miller time. airport security, charles rangel, and a new miller special all on tap this evening. miller is next. so, during sign then drive i can get a cc f just my signature? that s right, right now you can take home a volkswagen for just your signature, like the cc or the tiguan. huh. yeah, plus every vw includes scheduled carefree maintenance. really? that s great. there you go. that guy s pretty good too. yeah, he s ok.
is over. the gentleman you are referring to is jacque pant nobody noe one knows the godfather like you. bill: it s business not personal. rangel is not going to leave. they are not going to throw him out. they will slap his hand and tell him not to take a lot of graft and corruption anymore and if you do be smarter about it. mccar temperature mccart their said old soldiers never die. charlie will make it ugly as he goes out the door. bill: is he not going. you have got a big hbo special friday. i guess this is the antidote to bill maher. miller s special is called the big speech. guantanamo bay works. i have been down there to perform for the troops. it works like a swiss watch. now, to go down there first off, you have to fly around the island and come in the back
about the situation. what does it mean that he is going to have lots of sex but is he going to be safe. is he going to use condoms. that means is he going to be susceptible to std s less likely to be committed in a marital relationship and eventually enjoy the full beauty of family and children. bill: you need to give him a call be, sandy and tell him. i will. maybe an appearance on the jerusalemy. bill: we appreciate it ms. rios. when we come right back, it will be miller time. airport security, charles rangel, and a new miller special all on tap this evening. miller is next. so, during sign then drive i can get a cc f just my signature? that s right, right now you can take home a volkswagen for just your signature, like the cc or the tiguan. huh. yeah, plus every vw includes scheduled carefree maintenance. really? that s great. there you go. that guy s pretty good too. yeah, he s ok.