New Deer Isle-Stonington High School principal starting in July
DEER ISLE The new Deer Isle-Stonington High School principal will move to the island in June after having handled discipline for a Nashville, Tenn., middle school of 900-plus students whose families spoke about 40 different languages.
Laura Davis, a Nashville native, starts July 1 and replaces current Principal Dennis Duquette, who is leaving to explore other options.
The city of Nashville between November 2020 and January 2021 was cited as the COVID-19 hotspot of the world, Davis said. The city had stints where 10,000 to 15,000 people a day were testing positive for the coronavirus. So, she’s ready for Maine.
Healing Racism Institute of Pioneer Valley to launch hybrid programming as a result of COVID
Today 5:43 AM
12/22/2020 - Vanessa Otero is the interim director of Healing Racism Institute of Pioneer Valley. (Hoang Leon Nguyen / The Republican)
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SPRINGFIELD One of the most impactful aspects of the Healing Racism Institute of Pioneer Valley’s programming is the opportunity for people from different socioeconomic levels to come together to address their racial biases.
While the program is traditionally done in person, the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way the two-day immersive program will be taught in the future.
“Assuming that restrictions are lifted we are going to be debuting a hybrid model in July,” said Vanessa Otero, a co-founder and interim director of the institute.
New principal hired at DI-S
DEER ISLE Deer Isle-Stonington High School will have a new principal for the new school year, according to School Union 76 Superintendent Christian Elkington.
Laura Davis, who is currently the dean of instruction at Thurgood Marshall Middle School in Nashville, Tenn., has been hired.
Davis will replace Dennis Duquette, who is leaving at the end of the school year to pursue other opportunities.
The Community School District 13 School Board unanimously approved the hire at its April 20 meeting.
“Davis has more than ten years experience in small progressive high schools which have focused on: Social-Emotional Learning, Project-Based Learning, Real World Learning and Instructional Leadership amongst her experience and accomplishments,” Elkington said in a letter to the community.
Press release content from Business Wire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
Every Single Middle School Student Can Benefit From Financial Literacy Education According to New Study
March 16, 2021 GMT
Newly released findings from a two-year study of the efficacy of financial education on middle school students affirm significant knowledge gain in the subject matter, and advocates more such learning be provided to students in this age group. Conducted by the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute (UMDI), the largest study of financial education efficacy on middle school students focused on