A group of Doonbeg residents organised a special commemoration ceremony recently for the 80th anniversary of the crash landing of an RAF flying boat in Doughmore Bay. Dan Danaher chronicles this fascinating tale involving the tragic death of nine airmen, the heroic rescue of two colleagues, an eye witness account of the wreckage, salvaged items such as a 1940 aircraft tool kit box, and relatives’ accounts of the extraordinary bravery of those who risked their own lives to help save the lives of others.
Insurance experts presented a gloomy forecast for anyone hoping that the cost to insure homes and businesses in Florida might stabilize or even fall anytime soon. In 2019, Florida generated 8% of all property insurance claims and 76% of lawsuits in the U.S., according to an analysis by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation cited by Wilson.
Property insurance costs are poised to keep rising in Florida unless lawsuits decline and buildings are hardened to withstand catastrophic hurricanes, experts said Thursday at the Florida Chamber's annual Insurance Summit.
Insurance experts presented a gloomy forecast for anyone hoping that the cost to insure homes and businesses in Florida might stabilize or even fall anytime soon. In 2019, Florida generated 8% of all property insurance claims and 76% of lawsuits in the U.S., according to an analysis by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation cited by Wilson.