Against him . Snoofrp well, he makes the argument that it the trump that the judge has made some decisions as the case has been litigated that have been unfair to donald trump, how he isnt particularly precise about it. Most of it is his interusuition. What trump has said hes a mexican despite the fact he was born in indiana and his parents immigrated legally years ago. Hes a federal u. S. District judge, and theres been a huge backlash on the right. Arizona senator jeff flake today made a big deal about it. Mitch mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader over the weekend made a big deal about it. House speaker paul rink, the day after he actually got around to endorsing donald trump joined the chorus of criticism about this line that because trump is building a wall the candidate argues that the judge cant be trusted and is somehow slanted against him because hes a latino. There are all those republicans who have been anding to this. Its worth noting that alberto gonzalez, the attorney du
A new study seeks to compare the outcomes of biopsies among American children at risk of celiac disease, with European thresholds that would deem such biopsies unnecessary.
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