so more and more people leaning a little more right? it s becoming a very difficult year. it s not necessarily the peoe are changing their own partisan ideology, it s their perception is shiostd go of the democrats in congress and response to the economy. right now most voters think the demt ocrats in congress want to raise spending and taxes and they say that is exactly the wrong direction to go. gregg: let s talk about west virginia and the senate race there? this is an amazing race, very popular governor, 67% approval rating but he is a she runng sck into the fact that 62% of virginia voters disapprove of the job that president obama is doing. because of that, the close, points up by five we move that into the. toss-up category. its race that we didn t expect to be close when senator byrd
we re going to put it up on the scree no matter how bad things are, congress can make them worse. 62% agree? 62 to 19. ths is really the core sentiment that pple have. even if there is a policy they agree on, they don t trust congress because other tngs will be stuck in the bill. part of the gregg: it must be a variation on murphy s law, congress s law. gregg: water wall street entering erratic time of the t year. we re going to take how the rollercoaster markets could impact voters at the polls.
government isn t taking over the health care system. bringing government spending unde control so people who want to create jobs, people who want to start a new business, they ll know there is economic uncertain toy. here is the other good thing or bad thing. there will be a lot of democrats come november who are going to join the 15 million americans unemployed and see how bad and how disastrous the white house and congress at creating jobs. gregg: i was looking at nancy pelosi, her approval ratings. they are chronically abysmal. she set a new record for a low of the speaker of t house. speaker boehner might by comparison may sotound appealing to voters. as you pointed out, very few people know of him right now. wasy that john boehner against extending the unemployment benefits but the budget office when analyzed
that would give a huge boost to the markets? yeah, i think there is some credence to that. the truth of the matter when you get to the midterm elections, people are looking for some kind of change. whichever party is in charge, c the other party comes back and takes ownership in congress. what it does it chris creates an environment with legislation that is more balanced. especially this year we are looking forward to thand a perhaps coming up with a decent yer in terms of what the markets will do. gregg: i was looking at a graph the last six months and last year, boy, the volatility there on an annual basis has been pretty tremendous. yet for the year, what the spdz and dow virtually unchanged? i think the average persoon the street doesn t know that. they are looking at it on a day-to-da basis. one day it s goo and next day