equivalent of the pakistani gentleman that trump cited. more importantly, it is this willingness to believe anything that validates your decisions, that the facts have to fit your narrative, no matter how crazy they are. i just want to get back quickly to what we were talking about with the security clearances. nobody is talking about the fact that susan rice for some reason is on this list. i think, you know, she was i think this is kind of a bone toss to the fringe of the republican party, not even the fringe. she, the two fall people for gaza were hillary clinton and susan rice. susan rice was supposed to be secretary of state after hillary clinton but was denied it because republicans dragged her for her role in gaza, and i think it is telling that it is two women that were the fall women for this other conspiracy
happened in singapore. and it is now a month and a half since pompeo came back from singapore without members of congress knowing anything about contours of what may or may not have been agreed to with kim jong-un. so i think the administration is also greasing the wheels there for what may turn into a contentious hearing with the democrats and republicans as well on the senate foreign relations like jeff flake, bob corker, one of the few republicans willing to speak out against the administration taking center stage. russia meanwhile, talked about the russian investigation and not talking up to putin helsinki, russia continues attacks. hackers were able to gain access to control rooms of u.s. power companies where they could have caused massive blackouts, according to homeland security officials. the wall street journal is reporting that last year hackers working for state sponsored groups isolated negotiation
this legislation was changed to allow them to continue unpenalized to me is outrageous. now, there s obviously the appearance of something of a conflict. i don t know the details, quid pro quo or the motives, it looks awful. again, there ought to no place for this company doing business in anything that involves the security of the united states of america. zte, joe, stood alone, really, as the one example on capitol hill of republicans being willing to stand up to the president when the senate put that provision in, and as you saw the reaction last night from some of the members who spearheaded that effort, specifically marco rubio was incredulous. he said he basically got played on this. the explanation that will be given by lawmakers when i m up
i m going to vote against this. and always ends up supporting donald trump blindly. he s going to vote for kavanaugh. it s a joke for him any reporter that thinks he s not seriously should look into another profession. he s going to vote for kavanaugh. the question, though, is, jim, you ve got two republicans and two democrats who are still trying to figure this thing out. of course, we ve talked about lisa murkowski and susan collins but also heidi heitkamp and joe manchin. you get a feeling they will as a block one way or the other. all either vote against kavanaugh or for kavanaugh and provide each other a little cover. yeah. if you listen to what they had to say and their pasts, much more likely they vote for him than against him. more likely that he picks up democratic votes than he loses republican votes.
korea, and gave up military exercises with them for what? some promise from a leader that said he would get rid of nuclear weapons and we have no way to verify this? in comparison to the iran deal which i admit wasn t perfect, this nuclear deal in north korea at the same time, he is distracting from putin and the disaster in helsinki. we have gone from foreign policy in the united states where democrats and republicans can come together to one led by an erratic commander in chief. we have gone from kennedy and cuban missile crisis who stared down the russian bear until it backed off to reagan who stared down the russian bear until it fell apart, to trump who is cozying up to the russian bear and inviting him for a play date in washington. what the hell is going on here? congressman, as we talk about immigration, we have rightly