Rapido announced it will offer free bike taxi, auto, and cab rides to voters in Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, and Warangal on May 13, election day. Teaming up with the Chief Electoral Officer s office, Rapido aims to boost voter turnout and awareness. Residents can use the code VOTENOW to access complimentary rides and participate in the electoral process. Rapido s nationwide campaign involves deploying over 10 lakh captains in more than 100 cities to provide free transportation on election day.
Tripura East Lok Sabha constituency saw 69.48% voter turnout by 3 pm with peaceful polling. Long queues and tribal participation noted. Election with 14 lakh voters and 9 candidates.
Responding to allegations of poll violence, CM Manik Saha claimed that the Opposition was resorting to levelling false and misleading allegations as it has lost its ground
Power of money can certainly be utilized to reduce and perhaps even end poverty when/if the affected poor sections are encouraged to increase their earnings