he has an ad in which he takes up a rifle and shoots at a copy of the cap and trade bill. anything that nationalizes hurts him. that s why he is trying to run a local election. i m not sure it will succeed. bret: let s talk about another race, a house race that s getting nationalized this week. the virginia fifth district, that s congressman, democratic congressman tom perryilo going against robert hurt. the president added this stop to charlottesville friday. many folks are looking at this in a fairly republican district as not a help. this is a really, really interesting trip. i don t think he has ever made a dedicated this is his only dedicated trip for an individual house race. tom perriello he is every democrat s favorite conviction politician. in other words, he supported the obama agenda straight through a to z. he is in a very tough district. i think he won by 721 votes last
follow-up to a breast cancer surgery. this is the real clear politics average. barbara boxer up 6.6, steve? i don t think there has been much discussion about whether this has an impact on the race, the fact that she was hospitalized, would people think she might be weak, she might not be able to serve out her entire term or would this lead to maybe a sympathy vote, a surge. i don t think it will have much of an impact whatsoever. what is likely to decide this is the ad war. the fact that she missed a few campaign stops isn t going to do the trick. what s most interesting about california is that barbara boxer in a poll that was out today still holds a slight lead among independent voters, 3% to 35%. now, that s pretty striking. president obama remains more popular in california than he does in other parts of the country. i think what you are likely to see is this race come down to the 8% of undecided voters. do they break with barbara boxer and the incumbent and president obama or d
investigation about prosecution of crime against women was written by then senator joe biden 15 years ago. we have come an incredibly long way since that time. we have changed laws and made progress the way people think about domestic abuse. aides say the president doesn t stop being president in a political season but a past presidential spokesman sees a political strategy in his schedule. bret: his appearances on the campaign trail could be harmful to democratic candidates. they have taken a strategy of having him stay in washington for a few days and really reach out the base. in recent days, mr. obama granted interviews john stewart jon stewart and radio personalities including african-american broadcasters. to stress the importance of next week elections, he s not on the ballot. this election is just as important as 2008, because it will determine how well we can move my agenda forward to. with black unemployment
michigan s problems. one motorist city blog as you can imagine was not pleased writing, quote: like adding the word lake is going to clear up anything. clear anything up, i should say. how about you go ahead and change your city s name to tourist trap and see how that works out? bret: we head to the deep south now for a look at tuesday s debate between the candidates for south carolina governor who predictably had an unpleasant thing to say about each other throughout the debate. correspondent jonathan serrie joins us live with latest. jonathan? hi, bret. fireworks certainly through during the final debate here in south carolina for the south carolina governor with republican nikki haley and democrat vincent shaheen sparring over ethics. during that debate haley accused her opponent who is both a lawyer and state senator of making huge profits by both
are a diverse party. sandoval is hispanic. bret: a close race that we have covered numerous times as we see democrat joe manchin still within he is up 4. according to real clear politics over republican john reasy. there have been new polls that suggest raese may be up a couple. this is the average of polls here. this one looks like it s going down to the wire. i think it likely to be one of the closest races we will see next tuesday night. you are seeing what s happening in west virginia happen around the country. joe manchin talking about everything and anything but issues at this point. he doesn t want to talk about the stimulus. he doesn t want to talk about president obama. he doesn t want to talk about democrats in washington. and he certainly doesn t want to talk about obama care. he is has not answered the question to whether he favors the good parts and wants to repeal the bad parts. he still won t say whether he wants the tax hikes that you have to have in order to pa