KINGSTON, N.Y. Michael Kavanagh ended his second bid to become Ulster County’s next district attorney on Tuesday, Nov. 14, conceding the race to Democrat Emmanuel Nneji. “After consulting with my team, it appears that the current vote tally provides Manny Nneji an insurmountable lead in the race for Ulster County District Attorney,” Kavanagh wrote […]
KINGSTON, N.Y. Emmanuel Nneji increased his lead over Michael Kavanagh following Monday’s count of affidavit ballots in the closely watched race for District Attorney, giving the Democrat an advantage that will likely be impossible for Kavanagh to overcome. Nneji picked up an additional 108 votes, widening his lead over Kavanagh to 310 votes and […]
KINGSTON, N.Y. Emmanuel Nneji has expanded his lead over Michael Kavanagh by eight votes in the closely watched race for Ulster County District Attorney. The Democrat picked up an additional 57 votes Thursday after the Ulster County Board of Elections counted another 106 absentee ballots in the race, giving him a 202-vote advantage over […]
KINGSTON, N.Y. Despite a slim 195-vote lead, Democrat Emmanuel Nneji declared victory in the race for the Ulster County District Attorney. But with a mandatory recount on the horizon and absentee and affidavit ballots still to be counted, Michael Kavanagh said he’s not prepared to concede the race, which appeared to be too close […]
KINGSTON, N.Y. Republican candidate Michael Kavanagh outraised his Democratic opponent in the race for Ulster County district attorney over the past three months, but Emmanuel Nneji received more than twice the number of campaign donations, according to filings with the state Board of Elections. According to the 32-day pre-general election filing, Kavanagh raised $71,480 […]