Colin KalmbacherJan 19th, 2021, 5:42 pm
MAGA admiring art in the Capitol Rotunda
William McCall Calhoun Jr., an attorney from Americus, Georgia, has been charged over his alleged participation in the siege of the U.S. Capitol Complex on Jan. 6.
The FBI claims Calhoun was one of the first pro-Trump rioters to lay waste House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi‘s (D-Calif.) office before bragging about his alleged exploits on social media.
“[G]et this – the first of us who got upstairs kicked in Nancy Pelosi’s office door and pushed down the hall towards her inner sanctum, the mob howling with rage,” a Facebook post attributed to Calhoun reads. “Crazy Nancy probably would have been torn into little pieces, but she was nowhere to be seen – then a swat team showed, and we retreated back to the rotunda and continued our hostile take over [sic] of the Capitol Building.”
January 19, 2021 at 11:05 AM
McCall Calhoun (Image via Twitter)
In the days since the attempted coup staged by Trump’s supporters in Washington, D.C., lawyers and lawmakers have been identified as members of the mob that broke into the U.S. Capitol, and the consequences have been quite severe. An in-house attorney lost his job, and a lawmaker resigned after being charged with a crime. That hasn’t stopped another lawyer from coming forward to admit that he was not only there at the scene, but he was one of the first to charge through the doors of the Capitol.