CAMDEN By 4 p.m., Nov. 8, approximately 1,300 registered voters had already passed through Camden Fire Station door to cast their ballots. With four hours remaining, and the after-work crowd rolling in, it had been, according to Camden Town Clerk.
CAMDEN By 4 p.m., Nov. 8, approximately 1,300 registered voters had already passed through Camden Fire Station door to cast their ballots. With four hours remaining, and the after-work crowd now rolling in, it has been, according to Camden Town.
The latest Pine Tree State polling numbers from the UNH Survey Center show Poliquin, and LePage close the gap on incumbent Democrats days before Election Day.
In this week’s Pulse: The GOP's abortion conundrum in purple states, big money opposes municipal broadband and renewed attempts to link Jared Golden to Nancy Pelosi.