While engaged in Duck Race historical research, we have been looking through Deming Headlight editions from the summer of 1980. Hours flew by as we immersed ourselves in stories, photographs and advertisements from the time. One difference that stood out prominently was the quantity of letters to the editor sent in by residents of Deming, Columbus and other places. In a single edition, there might be 10 such letters, usually …
Local artist and teacher Jesse Kriegel officially unveiled newly completed public art Saturday that trims the gazebo as well as the pavilion space at the Luna County Courthouse Park with colorful designs inspired by Mimbres pottery and visual art. Kriegel’s murals also face other public spaces in Deming, most prominently downtown on E. Spruce Street and inside Peppers Supermarket. In brief remarks at the July 8 Deming MainStreet Market, Kriegel …
Deming Police can always use a helping hand when it comes to law enforcement and fighting crime. Shortages within the patrol force are a constant challenge for a department that should be at a full roster of 36 officers. The department is filling its ranks and gaining new officers through the training academy in Santa Fe; and one Deming patrolman is planning for the future of the department with a …