Mar 10 2021 Read 588 Times
Reducing HGV traffic emissions is an important part of Finland’s 2035 carbon-neutrality target. One of its solutions can be found in cow manure: it can be made into biogas that can, in the future, replace fossil diesel fuel, which is what HGVs in Finland currently run on. The Vuorenmaa dairy farm has written a new page for the history books, as Finland’s first manure-powered milk truck filled up with the farm’s own renewable biogas.
The Vuorenmaa
dairy farm, in Haapavesi, has 180 cows that produce milk for
Valio’s local dairy, where it is made into Valio Oltermanni® cheese. For years, the farm has used the manure its cows produce to generate electricity and heat for the farm at their own biogas plant. For the first time, that biogas has begun to fuel a Valio milk truck. Using biogas as vehicle fuel is a part of Valio’s programme that aims to reset milk’s carbon footprint to zero by 2035.