I would like to remind the members of the public that the commission does not tolerate any disruption or outbursts of any kind, please silence the cell phones, if you care to state your name for the record. I would like to take roll. Woning. Here. Wu. Here. Antonini. Here. Hillis. Here. Johnson. Here. Moore. Here. Richards. Here. And for the recreation and Park Commission. Buell. Here. Low. Here. Lef. And mcdonnell have an excused absence. Thank you, commissioners. Under your special calendar, please note that the joint commissions will hold one public hearing for the public to provide testimony on all items listed below, including consideration of whether to certificate the eir. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider action on certificating the final Impact Report and the recreation and Park Commission will act jointly to consider raising the shadow limit for the park, and the Recreation Commission will consider making a recommendation to the Planning Comm
To provide testimony on all items listed below, including consideration of whether to certificate the eir. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider action on certificating the final Impact Report and the recreation and Park Commission will act jointly to consider raising the shadow limit for the park, and the Recreation Commission will consider making a recommendation to the Planning Commission, regarding the possible, adverse effect on the park, and following action on those items. The recreation and Park Commission will adjourn. And the Planning Commission will remain in session, and separately consider, action on all other entitlements. Item one, case number 2011. 0409 eat 925, Mission Street and various parcels known as the 5 m project. Certification of the environmental Impact Report, please note that the public hearing is closed. The Public Comment period for the draft ier ended on january, 7, 2015, the Public Comment will be received when the item is c
Here. Hillis. Here. Johnson. Here. Moore. Here. Richards. Here. And for the recreation and Park Commission. Buell. Here. Low. Here. Lef. And mcdonnell have an excused absence. Thank you, commissioners. Under your special calendar, please note that the joint commissions will hold one public hearing for the public to provide testimony on all items listed below, including consideration of whether to certificate the eir. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider action on certificating the final Impact Report and the recreation and Park Commission will act jointly to consider raising the shadow limit for the park, and the Recreation Commission will consider making a recommendation to the Planning Commission, regarding the possible, adverse effect on the park, and following action on those items. The recreation and Park Commission will adjourn. And the Planning Commission will remain in session, and separately consider, action on all other entitlements. Item one, c
Works in the Nonprofit Sector that has a contract, i assume, with the city to be able to give advice on how this would impact nonprofits that would fall under this category. I just want to reiterate, just because our office did spend quite a bit of time putting together a policy that impacted many of our employers, the fair chance act which i coauthored with supervisor malia cohen, that was a tenmonth process to put together the actual specifics of what the fair chance ordinance would look like, and this is how it actually impact our employees in not doing the background checks at first application. And because of the length of time it took to meet with all of our stakeholders and make sure that we were taking everyones input into our ordinance, for me i guess why i would push on why we should pass this now and get the process started is that in order for a tenmonth process to work out between now and september, we really need to get the equal Pay Advisory Committee going in november.
Little cleaner. Okay. And i believe that was seconded by supervisor tang. Thats correct. And, colleagues, can we take that motion to amend without objection . Without objection that should be the case. [gavel] and then now on the motion to continue this item to november the 25th, colleagues, can we do that without objection or do we need a roll call . Without objection as amended, mr. President. Im sorry . As amended. As amended. Without objection this item as amended will be continued to november the 25th. [gavel] and with that, why dont we go to item 28. Item 28 is an ordinance amending the police code to repeal the prohibition on entering or remaining within a 25foot buffer zone of a Reproductive Health care facility; to prohibit individuals from following or harassing others within 25 feet of the entrance to such a facility; to prohibit impeding access to the door of such a facility; and to prohibit excessive noise through yelling or amplification of sound within 50 feet of such fa