The new excipient, which is branded Pearlitol ProTec, provides a solution for moisture sensitive active ingredients like probiotics, according to Roquette.
Pill fatigue and demand for convenience fuels innovation in alternative delivery formats, but efficacy and cost are significant hurdles, according to a Vitafoods Insights’ market innovations report.
Consumer interest in novel experiential delivery forms is driving a lot of growth for dietary supplements, but context is an important regulatory consideration, experts noted during a recent NutraIngredients-USA webinar.
Despite a range of new and unique dosage forms entering the market, capsules are still the preferred format for global consumers, with innovative new capsule technologies giving brands the opportunity to stand out in a crowded marketplace, says Lonza.
The founder of the first company to deliver vitamin D in oral spray form tells NutraIngredients about alternative formats, rigorous testing, and finding your purpose as a business.