she is average and average at best and predictable. what a bunch of babies. i don t even hate liberals, but you are babies. they are so mean. shut up! angela, here is the thing about megan mccain. she builds her notoriaty, or she builds her name on negative dish. it is never about what good people are doing. she welcomes going on talk shows to bash people in her party in order to separate herself. i think that is cheap. listen, she isen title ited she is entitled to her opinion. she is entitled to our opinion. it is like the pretty girls in high school. you have the ugly girls in high school that made fun of the pretty girls. that s the liberals and the conservatives. wait, i thought it was the pretty girls making fun of the ugly girls. no, the pretty girls have to go into our realm.
spread rumors you were pregnant. i think that stuff actually happened to her. it happened to me. we know that. i was pregnant. jim, you said doud is an average writer. she calls conservative women mean right after saying that arizona governor jan brewer, quote, declared open season with anyone with a suspicious skin tone. no one edits her anymore. a good editor would have pointed out there may be a problem there. she says to me she is boring. i can read something i don t agree with and still find it interesting. i m sure she is a lovely lady. but i think she is a bore. maureen is on the case. shut up. angela, you said you don t agree with megan mccain because anyone could run for senate. of course. but anyone should point out that person is completely unqualified to be senator. anybody is entitled to her opinion. our fore fathers thought anyone could run for office.
going, please, god. he looks like such an idiot. and it just got worse. he has a blog or a website where he goes on this vit tree y all sh vitrial. may i say i would have said, baby, i know you love me and you still want me, but you can t have this, period. you would say that. angela, don t you agree that would really help matters? what she should have done is compared his penis to the size of a minx cat s tale. you know what they say about a guy with absolutely no chin. it was all upper. bill, this happened to you once. you were humiliated on animal planet. yes, but for different reasons. i was cating around with the
thank you, andy. go and fill another room in hell. fit for the mountains in the barber s caves. out of my sight. i apologize for nothing. i await your demise. i am here with the delightful angela mcgowan. she is the ceo of political strategies. she is so attractive that magnets follow her home from work. i know it is bad, but it is monday. and all of her pocket are hot pockets. and bill schulte smells of dog food and despair. and sitting next to me, you will love him to death. it is jim norton. what is happening to my mouth? he is the author of i hate your guts. if lil lair tee was a if hilarity was a cruiseship, old people would enter him to play shovel board. and good to see you, pinch. check out our personal health column on the longevity secrets of the sen tour yawns.