Maine Voices: We must seize the chance to protect our environmental rights
Urge your legislators to pass the proposed Pine Tree Amendment, which would provide a legal basis to take action against harmful policies or developments.
By Richard KillmerSpecial to the Press Herald
My 23-year-old grandson, Iain Kurry, is a lifelong Mainer. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, fishing and hunting, while he spends an equally large portion of his time outdoors working throughout Maine as a geologist for an environmental consulting firm. He is outdoors a lot.
The Pine Tree Amendment would have made it easier for Arundel dairy farmer Fred Stone, with his Brown Swiss Lida Rose in 2019, to seek justice when the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District found elevated levels of PFAS in a well on his land. Stone had to stop selling milk and kill more than half of his herd.