Dozens of state parks, forests and historic sites are organizing First Day Hikes on Jan. 1 in order to encourage people to start 2023 outdoors in nature. Ridley Creek State Park, Delaware Canal State Park, Marsh Creek State Park, French Creek State Park, Wharton State Forest, Belleplain State Forest, Brendan T. Byrne State Forest and the Dr. James Still Historic Site will host guided hikes in the region.
The hickory horned devil, a neon-turquoise caterpillar that can grow to be the size of a hot dog and is crowned with menacing black-tipped red horns, is an uncommon find in Pennsylvania. But last week, a Riegelsville woman and her friend’s 11-year-old daughter found two in Delaware Canal State Park.
Fairless Focus News, Morrisville Times News, Yardley Voice News - The PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) joined the Friends of Delaware Canal last month in New Hope to celebrate the Delaware Canal