Financial adviser gives tips to prevent credit card fraud after DeKalb water board employee arrested
WAAY 31 spoke with a financial adviser to learn some steps you can take to prevent credit card fraud and identity theft.
Posted: Apr 7, 2021 4:47 PM
Updated: Apr 7, 2021 5:11 PM
Posted By: Grace Campbell
A former DeKalb Jackson Water District employee is being charged with three counts of credit card fraud and identity theft.
Jessica Hosch is accused of using customers credit and debit card numbers to make online purchases.
If you re nervous to enter your credit card information online, you can always go back to the basics and pay your bills by sending in a check. A Welch Group financial adviser, Reagan White, said paying your bills online is practically risk-free. However, he did note that unfortunately, nothing is 100% risk-free.