be continuity with the white house. let s just remember, sally yates earlier in her career was equally criticized by democrats. this is someone who has been criticized now on both sides for being a partisan. juliet, you wrote a fascinating op ed about the big take aways from the hearing yesterday about what former dni james clapper said. here is how the president sees it. he tweeted director clapper reiterated what everybody including the fake media already knows. there is no evidence of collusion with russia and trump. that s not exactly what we heard from clapper, is it? it is so inaccurate. it is like watching, you know, 180 degree mirror about what s going on. this is exactly what jim clapper said and it was sleeper testimony. clapper for some time has been invoked by trump and his surrogates to say, well, jim clapper said that he never saw evidence of collusion. therefore, no collusion. what was amazing about the