ok? the general accounting office looked at that program and said, what gets the energy star rating? what kind of appliances? and they created 15 bogus products, submitted them, they got the energy star rating. they didn t even exist, these products. included was a gas powered alarm clock. actually was rated i need to get one of those! rated as energy efficient. it didn t really exist. to me, there s a political undertone story here. cash for clunkers and now cash for caulkers. isn t this an appeasement to the left? because they re all sort of environmentally green programs? yes, it is to a degree appeasement of the environmentalists. yes, it is. it s their program. it s their agenda on which we are now spending some government money. but it s being promoted as a job creating program. yes. of course, you can t prove they actually created jobs. you might say, well, we ve probably saved a few jobs. you can t prove that you created any. and they probably won t. look, i didn