remembers it. brian: you put the record in a case and you were able to carry it around while the record played. ainsley: like a boom box. brian: defied gravity and next thing you know you were on the moon. [laughter] steve: that laugh belongs to charles payne host of making money. good to have you. one other interchange gout a lot of attention and what ainsley was referring to earlier where you had julian castro essentially he was mocking joe biden s age when he said you don t remember what you said two minutes ago? it s all about healthcare. watch this. barack obama s vision was not to leave 10 million people uncovered. he wanted every single person in this country covered. my plan would do that. your plan would not. they do not have to buy in. they do not have to buy in. u. just said that two minutes ago they would have to buy. in you said they would have to buy in. to qualify for medicaid automatic. are you forgetting
the crane is down, and they re concerned. america s millionaires apparently stepped up their game because it shows china is home to more billionaires than the united states. a research firm in shanghai says 596 billion billionaires live in china, and 537 live here in the united states. the firm reports it s the first time ever that happened and it comes despite china s economy being a real mess. not that the economy being bad hurts billionaires. we know better than that. the reason according to wall street journal is that china s stock market is down, yet it s doing considerably better than this time last year so the rich got richer. the guy in charge of the firm says the report shows the success of online retail and entertainment and other service-based bonuses and china s wealthiest defied gravity.