have been saying that for a long time. as long as it s with tax cuts it will be fine because it will pay for itself. steve mnuchin and gary cohn and others have been denying that this is not going to pay for itself and they keep insisting of it will. this has not been the death of deficit talks but the death of a real truths and facts budgeting. steve clemmons, you probably heard the president talking about how amazing this is for american businesses and the ceos who love him and companies. he made a specific reference to at&t. let s listen to it. so maybe what i ll do is and by the way, i mentioned at&t, but many companies have come forward in saying they re so happy and they re going to be doing similar announcements. we ll see something that s going to be very special. we re bringing the entrepreneur back into this country. getting rid of all the knots and ties and we re going to you ll see what happens. and ultimately, what does it mean? it means jobs. jobs, jobs, jobs. so
the base that s now much more aligned on the right are they driving this bus? i think that s really the central play that s going to happen and i think it will determine what happens in the next six weeks around the budget and whether we are soon to be filming the sequel for the shut down and debt and deficit talks. the challenge for the white house is fixing the website. when it comes to the government s hearth website the cost overruns designing the site have been massive. take a look at tom costello s report. reporter: the prime contractor is the u.s. arm of a canada government, cgi federal. their business grew dramatically during the bush administration. it was awarded a contract for computer systems design services to build the website. with a ceiling price tag of $94 million. by may of this year the contract
make the government look efficient. remember hurricane katrina and the bush administration response. that was a lesson to all presidents of either party moving forward about how important it is to talk about cutting through the red tape, ask not just talk about it, but make sure it looks to the american people like you re actually doing it. david, due to the sequester, groups like fema, groups like noah, they are expected to take hits this year. how will this tornado play into the political arguments about the damage that these cuts could have to federal funding? i think if the response is good and healthy and works well, i think that will say, hey, as the president said, these people have been trained to respond in the way that they do and that costs money. so when you go for the sequester, obviously, this year it was across the board cuts. that s something the agency said was very devastating. depending on what happens this summer as the congress and the president go again in ano
latest breaking of bread. another day, another republican dining partner for president obama. he inviteed paul ryan for lunch. shift in strategy. the president believes that chairman ryan is thought leader in the party. dramatic naing tone from last spring. the ryan republican budget if it were enacted in to law would be incredibly harmful to america s seniors. they note it s a shift from the recent days after the election when the president hit the road again. we went through months of campaign style events all over the country. this week is 180. after being in office for four years he will sit down and talk to members. at the white house, spokesman jay carney noted boehner walked away from deficit talks. again and again thisesident d
now get a $169-per-month lease on a 2013 nissan sentra. now to the three big money headlines. slow and steady, and the rich are getting richer and blacked out. let s talk about yesterday s jobs report. it showed u.s. employers added 155,000 is new jobs, and left the unemployment rate unchanged. and the upcoming debt ceiling, deficit talks, will it affect the trend of job growth? i would like to say. no i would like to be hopeful and say it won t have much of an impact, given the december numbers, fiscal cliff talks in december, didn t have much of an effect on the unemployment growth. modest employment growth. i think the bigger issue is whether who replaces treasury