states government. he s on call 24/7, working 18, 20 hours a day. i don t think there is any question about that. is he welcome pen say thed? yes, he is. should he be taxed at the upper income level? of course he should be. the question is was he compensated more than the average american, the answer is question. megyn: the average american family pulls in 55,000. this is an inside the beltway sideshow that distracts us from the very real problems facing america. megyn: people care. hold on, hold on. megyn: this is why it s relative. people fairly ask whether the president gets it, whether he is tone deaf, does he understand that to the average american $172,000 a year is a really nice salary. megyn: the average american wants the deficit closed, and instead we re talking about robert gibbs salary instead of talking about the fact that the first thing the republicans did when they took office is try to repeal the healthcare bill, which the nonpart son congressional budget office sa