save their lives? you know, we are working around the clock to get vulnerable afghans who want to leave afghanistan out of afghanistan. we have secured the airport, and we are getting planes out 24 hours a day. in the past three days, we have moved more than 3,000 people. and we will continue to take people out who are vulnerable as quickly as we possibly can until we finish the job. ambassador, you say america s commitment to afghanistan s women and girls doesn t necessarily depend on a u.s. military presence in afghanistan. but how much harder will it be to fulfill that commitment now that the taliban is in complete control of the country? you know, wolf, i won t say that it will be easy, but i will say that we will use every tool
down on whoo we heard from the president, right? they are. as his top aids are speaking with reporters today as president biden has been monitoring afar from camp david. he is set to return in a few hours tonight. he is coming back to a washington where typically his allies on capitol hill, democratic lawmakers, are even questioning his draw down of the troops in afghanistan and how this has proceeded. with senator bob menendez saying they want a full accounting for these shortcomings. tonight the biden administration is defending its exit from afghanistan while attempting to manage the fall-out from a chaotic departure. there have been questions raised. these are reasonable questions. reporter: an internal blame game over why the u.s. didn t act sooner is underway. as cnn reports, an intelligence
we retain a robust counter terrorism capability. we are going to be able to, we must, continue to maintain that capability with regards to any resurgence of al-qaeda or isis on the ground. it is concerning that the air base was abandoned and that that military prison has now been opened by the taliban. and i am concerned about developments on the ground in afghanistan in terms of our security. that is the sort of issue that we in the foreign relations committee, the armed services committee will be focussed on in the months ahead. but i have confidence in president biden, his national security team, our military and our state department that they will remain vigilant in protecting our country from threats overseas. what sworries me is those terrorists who killed so many terrorists are now free and for all practical purposes they re
afghanistan told britain she s received death threats. quote, i am sitting here waiting for them to come. they will come here and kill me. there is another promise being made by the taliban. blanket amnesty for people who worked in the previous government, even for people who helped the forces fighting against the taliban. i would like to assure you there will be no danger to them. i don t believe this blanket amnesty for the government and for the military. they have already beheaded an afghan who was an interpreter for the military. reporter: relations between the taliban and al-qaeda remain strong. a tall ban spokesman promised on their watch, no death will be caused to anyone outside afghanistan. but with al-qaeda on the rebound there we can expect more foreign fighters coming in. this will be energizing for any jihaddy around the world.
afghan journalist said to him, but will the afghan people forgive you for what you have done for the scores of civilians who have been killed in your car bombs? and to which he said simply, well, collateral damage happens sometimes. but i just thought it was so interesting and such a marker of a new moment that the taliban, whether or not they have changed, afghan people have changed. and they are willing to fight and speak out for what they believe in, wolf. i hope these young journalists will be okay. we will stay in touch. let s go to the white house right now with officials are echoing president biden s defiance on afghanistan. one top official suggested there is no internal second guessing of the president s strategy. cat lynn collins is joining us right now. the administration is doubling