defense s medical expert concluded there was only one plausible explanation for cory s death. she had a history of drinking and falling and that caused that abrasion and cut. the bottom line she was an alcoholic and bulimic suffering from a liver disease, someone who unfortunately died of natural causes. she s not a normal 38-year-old woman. she has a significant disease of a major organ that is associated with sudden death and with liver failure. reporter: in the end, curtis decided not to take the stand. ten women and two men would decide lovelace s fate. the deliberations went on for two full days. then, christine got the call to come back to the courthouse. and i knew in my heart he was coming home. that was it. you were gonna prevail. he s coming home. yes. reporter: but once she arrived, bailiffs led her to a small law library. christine came in. and they explained to her for