thank you. terrible thing. this ceremony is a day for both remembrance and resolve. we remember and mourn those nearly 3,000 innocent people who were brutally murdered by terrorists on september 11th, 2001. our nato allies responded swiftly and decisively, invoking for the first time in its history the article five collective defense commitments. the recent attack on manchester i the united kingdom demonstrates the depths of the evil we face with terrorism.
thank you. terrible thing. this ceremony is a day for both remembrance and resolve. we remember and mourn those nearly 3,000 innocent people who were brutally murdered by terrorists on september 11th, 2001. our nato allies responded swiftly and decisively, invoking for the first time in its history the article 5 collective defense commitments. the recent attack on manchester, in the united kingdom demonstrates the depths of the evil we face with terrorism. innocent little girls and so many others were horribly
u.s./nato defense commitments. to deflect attention away from ukraine. so in the christopher steele dossier, that s the alleged quid pro quo. russia attacks the u.s. election for its own purpose but also corrupts and collaborates with the trump campaign in that attack and the trump campaign allegedly agrees to take steps to help russia along the way, drop that pro-ukraine platform out of the republican the pro-ukraine plank out of the republican party platform, which they did at the convention, inject a whole new controversy instead of america being nato s biggest detractor and make every other country feel attacked in terms of their financial contributions in that alliance. this is the stuff that the ranking democratic on the intelligence committee adam schiff, described as the
in the campaign and sewing distension and division and hitting this potential sore spot. it s not inexplicable why candidate trump might start doing that. i mean, the uncorroborated dossier of alleged russian dirt on donald trump that was published by buzz feed in january after handed over to the fbi by a former british mi6 officer, that dossier made a claim that they were supportive of it and cooperated with it and claims that there was a quid pro quo, that in exchange for russia s attack on the election to hurt clinton and help trump, according to the dossier, the operation had been conducted with the full knowledge and support of trump and senior members of his campaign team. in return, the trump campaign would sideline and raise u.s./nato defense commitments. to deflect attention away from ukraine.
dossier of alleged russian dirt on donald trump that was published by buzz feed in january after handed over to the fbi by a former british mi6 officer, that dossier made a claim that they were supportive of it and cooperated with it and claims that there was a quid pro quo, that in exchange for russia s attack on the election to hurt clinton and help trump, according to the dossier, the operation had been conducted with the full knowledge and support of trump and senior members of his campaign team. in return, the trump campaign would sideline and raise u.s./nato defense commitments. to deflect attention away from ukraine. so in the christopher steele dossier, that s the alleged quid pro quo. russia attacks the u.s. election