Greenbelt, MD (PRWEB) January 19, 2023 TRX Systems, developer of NEONĀ® GPS-denied location solutions, announced today the availability of expanded NAVWAR
The People's Army of Vietnam RBB-01 armed UGV, which is now deployed with its special forces. The People's Army of Vietnam has confirmed the operationalisation of an armed unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and the system is now deployed across .
China's Dong Feng-17 (DF-17) hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV)-powered medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) has been designed to strike foreign military bases and fleets in the Western Pacific, a US Pentagon report said. In its 2022 China Mili.
MVRsimulation has achieved interim accreditation for joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) training for its deployable joint fires trainer (DJFT), the company announced at the 2022 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education .
andrew weissmann do you want to add anything to this defense advanced by donald trump tonight? yeah i just want to reiterate and sort of stress something that neal said which is defense number one that we heard was that these documents were planted. in other words, he didn t know anything about them, this was the fbi just surreptitiously going in there and putting the documents there and they did it without anyone being president, even though we now know his lawyers were present. but defense number two is, i declassified the documents. those are fundamentally inconsistent. so now it s not planted at all. his second defense, which is these are the is actually not a legal defense. it is as a relevant to the charges. so we now have a person who by all accounts, has committed a serious felony.