The Defenders Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club - River Valley Chapter, which includes members of the El Dorado Police Department, holds a poker run to benefit and raise awareness about Special Olympics Arkansas. The poker run/fundraiser was held May 13 at the El Dorado-Union County Recreation Complex as a part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. The event included a hot dog lunch, raffle and auction with items that were donated by local businesses. In the top photo, the Defenders present a check in the amount of $1,000 to Ann Hudson, field representative of Areas 9, 11, 12 and 15 for SOA. Union County is a part of Area 15, along with Columbia, Ouachita, Lafayette and Nevada counties. The Defenders thanked local businesses and other groups and individuals who participated in the fundraising event.
“Mark is an inspiration to all of us,” Kim and Jennifer Korthuis said of their friend and fellow biker. “Throughout all of this he has maintained a super positive attitude.