The last rites of Lt Colonel Harjinder Singh, who died in a chopper crash with CDS General Bipin Rawat last week, was performed on Sunday at the Brar Square crematorium in Delhi Cantonment on Sunday.
The remains arrived at the Amritsar Air Force station this morning and will be taken to his residence in Dode Village of Patti Tehsil in Tarn Taran District.
The mortal remains of Naik Gursewak Singh who perished in the Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopter crash near Tamil Nadu s Coonoor was on Sunday brought back to his hometown here in Amritsar.
His wife and his daughter paid their last respect to the mortal remains of Lt Colonel Harjinder Singh, who lost his life in a chopper crash with CDS General Bipin Rawat last week, at the Brar Square crematorium in Delhi Cantonment on Sunday.