The incident took place on Wednesday afternoon when the accused Deepak Bharti had parked his bicycle in front of his house.,Rimjhim, the five-year-old daughter of Ganesh Dhankar, a neighbour of Deepak, touched the bicycle with soiled hands. An enraged Deepak took out a sharp-edged weapon and lacerated the throat of the girl, resulting in her death.
The Dhanbad ACB team has arrested engineer Sanjay Kumar, who took bribe from the contractor and deposited it in the bank account of his wife and son. He | BLiTZ
The song 'Namaami Namaami' from the upcoming action film 'Underworld Ka Kabzaa' hit the airwaves on Friday. The track serves as the introductory song of Shriya Saran in the film.Touted as a divine song, it emphasises the .