The fates of two Lok Sabha seats for BJP ticket, Vijayapura and Kalaburagi, are interlinked as both are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates. The emergence of two Banjara community aspirants adds complexity, with speculations of a potential replacement for sitting MP Ramesh Jigajinagi impacting Kalaburagi MP Umesh Jadhav. The internal calculations within the SC community will play a pivotal role in the upcoming ticket distribution.
Belagavi: Jagatik Lingayat Mahasabha (JLM) chief secretary and retired IAS officer S Jamadar said a National Lingayat Mahila Convention (NLMC) will be.
Guwahati: Raised in 1979 to create an “independent Assam”, the United Liberation Front of Asom (Ulfa) on Tuesday disbanded itself as required under th.
The Congress has revoked the suspension of Barabati-Cuttack MLA Mohammed Moquim and ex-MLA Chiranjib Biswal. The party aims to placate disgruntled leaders and reunite them ahead of the assembly and Lok Sabha elections.