But unlock code lost in bungled Discord ban. Updated on 6 April 2021
Why can t you play the rest? Well, unfortunately, an unlock code designed to open up the rest of Free Radical Design s PS2 classic has been lost to time - via an unfortunate Discord ban.
Ian plays the TimeSplitters 2 Easter egg.
Let s rewind back to the 2014 release of Homefront: The Revolution, the work of Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. The developer is the latest incarnation of the Nottingham-based company formerly known as Crytek UK, and before that, Free Radical Design itself.
The inclusion of two story levels (Siberia and Chicago) from TimeSplitters 2 was a nod back to the studio s past - and, some would argue, ended up being one of Homefront s biggest selling points. But much more of TimeSplitters 2 was supposed to be accessible.