thank you. the final three episodes of the harry and meghan docuseries on netflix are creating a stir in the united kingdom. some expressing sympathy, others lashing out in defense of the late queen s legacy. scott mccllean joining us live. what are you hearing on the streets of london? reporter: there is definitely some sympathy. there s also a lot of deep sighs and more eye rolling going on today or if you re the royal family, the reaction there has been a very stiff upper lip. seems there is little the sussexes could say at this point that would genuinely shock the british public but they have succeeded in getting their attention. it was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout t at me and my father say things that weren t true. and my grandmother quietly sit there and take it all in.
president taking those really tense moments we saw during the confirmation hearings head on. he also thanked the three republican members who broke their ranks to confirm judge jackson including senator romney, senator collins. it was his first and could be his last nomination. i know you sat down with some students from georgetown law school and watched part of this with them. what was their reaction to that? reporter: overjoyed is the first word that comes to mind, christi. they talked so much about how they saw themselves not only from their own story and her own way she has really brought herself to that moment, but just in terms of the confirmation hearing, really seeing themselves in those deep sighs she took before she answered
upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. is your cholesterol at goal? ask your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. washington, we have a problem. overcame the force of gravity, beat the russians to the race to the moon, but are no match for a high-stakes game of chicken. most of the u.s. space program shut down. cnn business anchor christine romans has more on what else is affected by this partial government shutdown. good morning, christine. good morning. deep sighs, carol. deep sighs. i want to show you what nasa tv is showing. no cool space walks just a message saying on its board nasa tv is unavailable due to a lapse
retire. thank you. and to call it a career. you know, i it shall i feel it s time for me to walk away, actually. oh, you can t help but not feel for her. she says she has been in pain on the court. her body, she says, just won t allow her to play. her retirement, though, absolutely shocked tennis fans around the world and cnn international sports anchor don radell joins me here in the studio. my goodness. taking deep sighs. wiping tears. you feel for her. she is 28. what a contrast from when she won wimbledon. weeks ago she was just so happy, so energized and so popular. she s so likable, too. it really is just an incredible shock. so what are her injuries? she has been struggling with hamstring problems since she won wimbledon six week ago. she revealed also she d been suffering from pain in her achilles ankle. her shoulder. her hips and lower back. she s basically talking about