mixed martial arts. if you know anything about mixed martial arts or self-defense, the way to take somebody out quickly is smash them hard in the nose. disorient them and then take them down and ground them into submission. let me give you the point i was trying to make. mma, medical records, the nurse testified to indicate that george zimmerman was doing mma training. prosecution will highlight that. the blood on let me may my point. trayvon martin, not having blood on his hands. this was lying about him trying to be smothered. here is the thing. these are the types of things that rauz a potential doubt about the majority of the evidence. the majority of evidence is still clearly self-defense. john good said i could see the color red on the bottom, a white
a lot. all i m saying at this point, not time to convict nor is it time to acquit. i agree, but we do know certain forensic issues. we know that there was grass, that his back was wet. confirms that he was on his back, and that also corroborates part of his story, but even the lead detective, bill, tell me what he can say that would i guess contradict the testimony of the eyewitness? i don t know, again, respectfully disagree with rod, i don t know that the prosecution is doing such a horrible job. moreover, the best they can with the slim facts that they have. you know, they are trying to prevent a case that in my opinion just isn t there yet. i mean, you have a defendant that has apparently a broken nose, a bloody head, whose head was definitely striking the concrete, so, you know, how do you present the fact that this man was not in fear? how do you prove he was not in fear of his life?
o reilly. have a great day. bill: how much do you know about the world s dangerous villains. the news quiz duke it out upcoming. my whole body hurt. it was an ongoing, deep pain. i didn t understand it. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it asibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica n provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means, i can feel better
of keeping the country safe. at the outset the president and his attorney general talked about doing exactly that. now, they backed off. i think there were only two left whose cases are being reviewed. all of the others had been reviewed before we left office. i think they ve now dropped their intentions to do that i thought it was a terrible precedent to set. to say to our career professionals at the cia if you carry out the policies of the current administration, with respect to counterterrorism policy, you may be prosecuted by the next president who comes in and wants to change the rules of the game. that s a terrible proposition. sean: we ll continue with vice president cheney right after the break. [ applause ] my whole body hurt. it was an ongoing, deep pain.
outlook both in terms of growth and in terms of the policy side as well. laura: great to see both of you. directly ahead a gallup poll says americans have no confidence in the way president obama is handling the economy. we are going to show you she s numbers. they are disturbing. also, set your dvr s to the most controversial segment of the evening. a day after republican congressman allen west says the democratic party has treated african-americans like slaves. congressman charlie rangel responds. you are not going to want to miss this coming up. my whole body hurt. it was an ongoing, deep pain. i didn t understand it. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it asibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves