Is it body shaming or are they looking out for the horses? A Tik Tok star with millions of followers is blasting a ranch here in New York after she claims they said she exceeded the horses weight limit at 240 lbs.
horses before and have never had this issue adding in a follow-up post that she would never hurt a small business or a horse and that her anger was more about the way she was tweeted overall. the previous horses declined comment as did their chiropractors. she also pointed out how a teen-age ranch employee responded to the controversy with his own video saying when you re not a fat [bleep] you can ride at deep hollow ranch. someone get that kid a job in public relations. i mean, it may be an awesome slogan for a t-shirt, but that s a rude thing to say. next time say, hey, these ain t clydesdales, lady, and then leave it at that. you know, we called the ranch for comment. they told us they re not saying anything and don t want to get involved because she s out for attention. we also reached out to mr. ed. which is stupid because he s
“I dont really need any opinions on this one,” Bader wrote. “Its the fact of how it wasnt advertised and how poorly it was handled. This was my experience not yours.”