clientts lie all of the time. you have to get used to that. my doctors tell me patients lie all of the time. it makes it harder. it is much harder. one thing i will never do is never celebrate the victory. there is a dead baby and nothing to celebrate. maybe the justice system worked or doesn t. no cell . we do not celebrate victtries. we don t cell brate acquittals. if we lose, we go back and work harder . if we win, i am sad. when i win a case, i don t feel good. i feel like a priest would feel having to go home and have a deep dark secret. i did the right thing legally. but i am conflicted and not happy. professor, you understand how see many people watching the trial felt outrage felt like the american justice system failed and that, this
clientts lie all of the time. you have to get used to that. my doctors tell me patients lie all of the time. it makes it harder. it is much harder. one thing i will never do is never celebrate the victory. there is a dead baby and nothing to celebrate. maybe the justice system worked or doesn t. no cell . we do not celebrate victtries. we don t cell brate acquittals. if we lose, we go back and work harder . if we win, i am sad. when i win a case, i don t feel good. i feel like a priest would feel having to go home and have a deep dark secret. i did the right thing legally. but i am conflicted and not happy. professor, you understand how see many people watching the trial felt outrage felt like the american justice system failed and that, this
the time. clientts lie all of the time. you have to get used to that. my doctors tell me patients lie all of the time. it makes it harder. it is much harder. one thing i will never do is never celebrate the victory. there is a dead baby and nothing to celebrate. maybe the justice system worked or doesn t. no cell . we do not celebrate victtries. we don t cell brate acquittals. if we lose, we go back and work harder . if we win, i am sad. when i win a case, i don t feel good. i feel like a priest would feel having to go home and have a deep dark secret. i did the right thing legally. but i am conflicted and not happy. professor, you understand how see many people watching the trial felt outrage felt like the american justice
they all lie to you all of the time. clientts lie all of the time. you have to get used to that. my doctors tell me patients lie all of the time. it makes it harder. it is much harder. one thing i will never do is never celebrate the victory. there is a dead baby and nothing to celebrate. maybe the justice system worked or doesn t. no cell . we do not celebrate victtries. we don t cell brate acquittals. if we lose, we go back and work harder . if we win, i am sad. when i win a case, i don t feel good. i feel like a priest would feel having to go home and have a deep dark secret. i did the right thing legally. but i am conflicted and not happy. professor, you understand how see many people watching the trial felt outrage felt