[applause] thank you so much. It is wonderful to be here with all of you. I loved being at an independent bookstore like this one as those who treat write books rely on places like this entirely not just for selling them but the injury should we hope. So i appreciate this opportunity and i always encourage people to patronize their independent bookstores their goal of mine to figure out what you want then come here to buy its. I shed as they as a minor correction i am now at the Watson Institute for International Studies which is a wonderful place to do research and work with wonderful professors and students. And they are, like everyone else have largely forgotten or never knew about the teeeighteen brothers for throat while i was immersing myself in the lives of these extraordinary brothers i came to realize how remarkable was there fall from public consciousness at the height of the cold war would never in power in the 1950s these were immensely powerful figures could make him break