some new details surrounding the tragic turn of the royal radio hoax. right now a memorial grows for the nurse who took the prank call about kate, the duchess of cambridge, and later turned up dead. in a letter to the radio station responsible, the hospital said in part, to discover that not only had this happened but that the call had been prerecorded and the decision to transmit approved by your station s management was truly appalling. right now police in london are calling the death, quote, unexplained. the nurse leaves behind two teenaged children. the two dee jays who pulled that stunt are off the air indefinitely. i m craig melvin. here s a quick look at some of the other top stories making news. egyptian officials arrested a suspect in the consulate attack in libya. intelligence sources say the man is a member of the militant group and escaped from prison in the aftermath of the libyan revolution. at this point it s not clear