neighborhood named dee humphrey who was waiting near the house. humphrey was interviewed. he admitted it was true. vera s story added up. so everything was believable. then vera, just 15 years old, naive, frightened, no attorney representing her, dropped her bombshell. vera eventually became aware of, through elizabeth, that joan and elizabeth had had some discussions about killing david shannon, that her mother had attempted to poison david shannon, that joan shannon and elizabeth shannon had conspired to kill david shannon and it actually was elizabeth that had shot him that night. a conspiracy? joan the brains, and elizabeth the brawn? given the tumultuous relationship between mother and daughter, who could have
corroborate some of the information. vera provided plenty of supporting details. how just days before the shooting, she went with elizabeth to a field and test fired the murder weapon. cops later found matching shells there. and how elizabeth dumped the gun that night with a guy from the neighborhood named dee humphrey who was waiting near the house. humphrey was interviewed. he admitted it was true. vera s story added up. so everything was believable. then vera, just 15 years old, naive, frightened, no attorney representing her, dropped her bombshell. vera eventually became aware of, through elizabeth, that joan and elizabeth had had some discussions about killing david shannon, that her mother had attempted to poison david shannon, that joan shannon and elizabeth shannon had conspired to kill david shannon and it actually was elizabeth that had
cops later found matching shells there. and how elizabeth dumped the gun that night with a guy from the neighborhood named dee humphrey who was waiting near the house. humphrey was interviewed. he admitted it was true. vera s story added up. so everything was believable. then vera, just 15 years old, naive, frightened, no attorney representing her, dropped her bombshell. vera eventually became aware of, through elizabeth, that joan and elizabeth had had some discussions about killing david shannon, that her mother had attempted to poison david shannon, that joan shannon and elizabeth shannon had conspired to kill david shannon and it actually was elizabeth that had shot him that night. a conspiracy? joan the brains, and elizabeth the brawn?
class= nosel noCC > 01108&q=david shannon >David Shannon 18, Jeffrey 12, Joan Shannon 11, Fayetteville 10, Jeffrey Wilson 9, Joan 8, North Carolina 6, Shannon 6, Brenda 5, Elizabeth Shannon 5, Billy 4, Vera 3, Murphy 3, Vera Thompson 3, Bragg 2, Stephen Scharf 2, Sears 2, Shirley 2, Du Killid 1, Here 1 Network NBC Duration 00:59:59 Scanned in Annapolis, MD, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel 77 (543 MHz) Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 528 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color