Wowie! Dee Gustafson’s powerful questions sure annoyed the Dems. She got some angry responses. But Dee’s words were intended to point out actions that divide our country…open your eyes. And
In last week’s Letters to the Editor, Dee Gustafson asked a question “Why are we giving money to Ukraine?” There are lots of good reasons that we should support Ukraine.
Last week at meeting I listened to Iain Mullholland from the Driggs Airport Board of Directors give an update on the two airport ballot initiatives. Initiative 1 “A voter initiative
I ve had interesting experiences while canvassing for people to get out and vote. I had no idea people other than me were so frustrated about what has happened to our
I m 72 years old. I never thought in my life I would be so disrespectful to a president by calling him Stupid I ll stop short! Do you really think