Ray Galindo Modesto AA man killed by Braxton Howze drunk driver.
Ray Galindo Modesto AA man killed by Braxton Howze drunk driver
Ray Galindo Modesto California man leaving AA meeting hit and killed by Braxton Howze drunk driver. Victim had been sober the last few years.
Killed by the very thing he was trying to heal himself from.
A man leaving an
Braxton Howze, 22, allegedly swerved off the road and struck him.
As he lay on the ground, one of his fellow meeting attendees
‘held his hand’ to show their respect, Galindo’s friend,
Dee Gisler told the
Ray Galindo Modesto AA man killed by Braxton Howze drunk driver.
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A California man who was leaving an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in April has died at the hands of an alleged drunk driver.
Ray Galindo, 58 was sitting on the tailgate of his parked pickup truck following the meeting in Modesto, 120 km south of Sacramento, on April 23. He was there to support a newcomer to the group, friends said.
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Modesto Police allege Braxton Howze, while driving drunk, swerved his vehicle off the road and crashed into Galindo. He died later in hospital.
Man leaving Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is hit and killed by drunk driver
Ray Galindo, 58, was talking to a new member of his AA group when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver who swerved off the road
Braxton Howe, 22, was arrested in Modesto, California a short time later
Police said Howe had a suspended license from a prior DUI arrest
Galindo had been an active member of the AA group for 15 years, always welcoming new members and leading several committees
He is remembered as a generous man who leaves behind three sons