Alleging fbi and department of justice bias is on the president s desk. Hes got until saturday whether or not to make it public. Listen to what Sarah Sanders said about how this will happen. The president has seen the memo. He met with Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein within the last hour to discuss some of the differences between the two mem memos. And we are undergoing the exact same process that we did with the previous memo in which it will go through a full and thorough legal and National Security review. Were in the middle of that process. Were undergoing the exact same process with this memo as the last one, thats what she said. Keeping them honest, its hard to see exactly how. This memo claims to rebut the one that President Trump said after reading it that it vindicates him entirely in the russia investigation. Leaving aside the fact that it does not in fact do that, its hard to know exactly what process there really was in the release of the nunes memo, perhaps only the
comment that he believes some of the dreamers, some of the 7 700,000 dreamers, were too lazy to sign up for protection from deportation. if you talk to many of them, they would say just the opposite. jim acosta, appreciate that. two views from dee cortez, former trump campaign adviser, and democratic strategist cordova. walking it back, too busy sitting on the couch, is that an improvement? no absolutely not. it underscores the offensive manner in which general kelley sees immigrants. it was naked bigotry at its best. what is so disgusting about this is that general kelley, the leader in the military, immigrants and i bet you dreamers served under him. and for now for him to come out and say, call them lazy, and that for him that is a reason that almost half of them did not come out to sign up for daca,