Fifteen funders have committed $102.5 million over the next five years to support Indigenous-led restoration and conservation projects in the United States. This is occurring through the Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) and Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG) recently launched Tribal Nations Conservation Pledge. Launched in March, the pledge calls on foundations and philanthropists to allocate […]
Philanthropy activist Edgar Villanueva says leaders seeking greater unity in the field are pushing old and harmful tropes about the need for polite behavior in the face of racist and anti-democratic actions.
Plus, the Bezos Earth Fund gave $34.5 million to four nonprofit groups to improve greenhouse-gas accounting and develop sustainable food systems, and the Helmsley Charitable Trust granted $26.4 million to expand access to ultrasound imaging services throughout Minnesota.
Also, the Lisa Dean Moseley Foundation gave $78 million for a new center in Delaware to improve clinical care for children with cancer or blood disorders, and 31 grantees will share $17 million from Genentech’s Health Equity and Diversity in STEM Innovation Fund.