boxes of classified documents from mar-a-lago almost two weeks ago, even more republicans have rallied to his side. his vice grip on the party seem to be confirmed this past week. it is the results of one of the highest profile republican races of this entire cycle. on tuesday, congresswoman liz cheney, the vice chair of the january six committee, the republican party s top critic of the twice impeached ex president lost her reelection bid for wyoming s lone seat in the house of representatives. it was a blowout. she has been in office since 2017. during wyoming s last republican primary in 2020, she won handedly. back then, she got more than 70% of the vote. this time around, she did not even crack 30%. even with record turnout. more people cassoday vote for her opponent, harriet hagman then the ones who participated in the entire primary or two years ago in 2020. she knows perfectly well what she lost. her integrity and vowed to uphold democracy would not allow her to have
people on the supreme court. he was an associate justice. he is one of the only six people to sign a declaration constitution. the democratic principle is carried into every part of the government. one party should not be trying to discredit the other party this way. my other question, what does one get from that? what to these folks in arizona get for saying, hey, we are not democracy, we are not a democracy, we are a public, where does that lead in practical terms in 2022? it delegitimizes the democratic party. that is just a meme. it is a branding in trademark. that means, oh, don t trust the voters in arizona, they might vote for biden. we the legislature in arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, there are a bunch of those states that have red legislatures. they have blue presidential electorates. what is going on is a carefully
빨라진 야권 ‘대선 시계’
지난 29일 오후 서울 영등포구 국민의힘 중앙당사에서 열린 ‘제20대 대통령선거 경선 후보 간담회’에서 이준석 국민의힘 대표가 최재형 전 감사원장과 인사를 나누고 있다. 김봉규 선임기자
국민의힘 대선 시계가 빠르게 돌아가고 있다. 최재형 전 감사원장은 입당한 지 20일 만인 다음달 4일 대선 출마를 공식 선언한다. 지난 25일 대선 도전 뜻을 밝힌 원희룡 제주지사는 오는 1일 지사직에서 물러난다. 윤석열 전 검찰총장의 전격 입당과 맞물려 다른 경쟁자들도 경선 준비에 박차를 가할 전망이다.
최 전 원장 쪽 ‘열린캠프’는 최 전 원장이 오는 4일 오후 온라인 화상 회의 플랫폼을 통해 20대 대통령선거 출마 선언을 한다고 이날 밝혔다. 온라인 기자회견 방식은 코로나19 확산세가 거세진 상황을 고려한 �