many people reiterating that john bolton himself was horrified by what rudy giuliani was doug, and he did not want any part of it. tom nichols, what did you make of that which you heard from the lieutenant colonel vindman? what the lieutenant colonel sell is the same story you re hearing from the other witnesses, this is what the president wanted, a quid pro quo, and remarkable is that there s that there s really no change in the story. i think what was remarkable is not what the lieutenant colonel said, but rather the reaction to his testimony, that there was this just really i think disgusting pile-on, particularly by some of the president s enablers in the conservative media, to smeefr this guy, a deck crated combat veteran, and to somehow suggest he was 9 agent of a foreign power because
should not be shipped. we always ask is it perishable. reporter: the postal inspector figured the pup would have perished during the three day trip, suffocating or freezing in the airplane. she did poke air holes in the box deck crated with fake money. the hearing officer ruled that the pup stays put at the animal shelter. disgraceful. you cannot tell me that you thought you were doing the right thing. reporter: maybe she thought her son would be opening the box in a happy scene like the ones on youtube. i got a puppy! reporter: this puppy will be put up for adoption. he has plenty of offers if champion can t afford to board him until the animal cruelty charges are resolved. next time, keep the dog on the stamp. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. if you want to travel for less, escape from all of the cold and snow, we re going to
holiday spirit. that house in new mexico is deck crated with 350,000 christmas lights, and the novak family spent about $9,000 over the past two years over the elaborate display, and there are eight songs that the lights are coordinated to, and it takes more than a day to program each song. can you guess what their electric bill will be? that s a good question. i have been fascinated by people who do this but so impressive when people do this. actually, the bill the family says for last year was only $98 because most of their lieds are led. 98 bucks just for the holidays. wrar. not a bad deal, right? that s a very good deal. sandra endo, i m going to send a tweet just for you since you follow me. i appreciate that, dear lady. a lot of people were shocked