an blame that s true. people don t like the way washington works. that s an example. he is what i think, did. the president gets it. he came to new york, he showed responbility. what happened here is so of bureaucrs and beounters at omb and maybe homeland serity were doing business as usual, following through on aormula that had been put in place before ecemr. we ve a n roundof anti terror funding, the largest pot called uai. i asked toove itp from 18 to 25 which is what it was in 2005. we do that, w can make up for the cuts and i thinkhe mayor, myself, perg wuld be pp thettorney general, eric holder was he last nday, he refused to say when khalid shaikh mohammed wie tried neyork or t. you ve said this is not a clo ques. it isot a close question. i think e chance of heing tried inew york are closeto zero. does he go to a military